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How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth?

December 4, 2019

One of the most common chronic teeth issues is grinding of the teeth that is also known as Bruxism. There are several reasons why you might grind your
teeth. The major one is stress. If you experience daytime stress, you will be stressed at night, even while you are sleeping.

Do you grind your teeth? If so, here are some things to know that might help treating your Bruxism

#1: Reshaping Teeth
This method is generally used when the grinding has gotten quite severe. The enamel on the tooth has worn down to the point where the patient is not able
to chew their food properly, or they have an extreme sensitivity. A dentist can either alter the chewing surfaces to provide some comfort or install crowns to
repair the damage and prevent further deterioration.

#2: Medications
A dentist may also prescribe medications to help with bruxism. Muscle relaxants can be taken for a short time to make sure that your muscles are relaxed before
bed, but this is only a short-term solution. Botox can also help with teeth grinding but is usually a last resort if that is the only reason for which it is administered. Anxiety medication can also help with teeth grinding by reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

#3: Night Guards
Night guards cannot prevent you from grinding your teeth, but it can prevent damage to the teeth. It is a guard you can put in your mouth at night that covers
the top row of teeth so they cannot rub against the bottom. Not only will they keep your teeth from breaking or cracking, but the protection can also help relax
your jaw muscles. Night guards will disperse the pressure from the grinding teeth across your jaw. This will help resolve the facial and neck pain that is so
common with night teeth grinding.

Custom-fitted mouthguards are the best option to protect your teeth from grinding. An impression is made of your teeth so that a perfect model can be
created. It provides superior comfort and protection.

#4: Stop Chewing On Things That Are Not Food
Repetitive motions can tire out muscles and cause cramping. If you are a pen cap chewer, or you chew a lot of gum, you may be setting yourself up for a night of grinding your teeth.

#5: Chewy Foods Might Not Be For You
If you are having a day where your jaw seems to be tighter than usual, then avoid eating chewy foods like steak. If it requires extra bites to eat, then it can wear
out your jaw, leading to more cramping.

#6: Jaw Massaging
It might sound strange, but you can absolutely massage your jaw. If you are feeling daily stress and can feel your jaw clenching, rub it gently to get it to
relax. This can have the added benefit of calming your mind as well.